Mon - Sat 9:00 AM To 08:00 PM, Sunday - CLOSED
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Restore the natural color and radiance of your teeth with our professional teeth whitening treatments at Om Sai Dental & Implant Centre. Teeth can become discolored and stained over time, especially due to factors like consumption of coffee, tea, or other food and...
Painless Single Sitting RCT

Painless Single Sitting RCT

Experience a pain-free and efficient solution for profound tooth fractures or infections with our Painless Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment (RCT) at Om Sai Dental & Implant Centre. In cases where the pulp of the tooth is infected due to severe decay or trauma,...
Post and Core

Post and Core

Restore your tooth’s functionality and appearance with our effective post and core procedure at Om Sai Dental & Implant Centre. Post and core is a restorative dental process often performed after a significant portion of a tooth’s structure, such as...


Get a beautifully aligned and dazzling smile with our quality veneers at Om Sai Dental & Implant Centre. Veneers are thin, natural-looking shells designed to cover the front part of the teeth to enhance their appearance and overall dental hygiene. Our...
Invisible Braces Aligners

Invisible Braces Aligners

Regain your self-confidence and achieve a beautiful smile with our invisible braces aligners at Om Sai Dental & Implant Centre. Say goodbye to unattractive metal braces and embrace a more discreet and convenient alternative. Invisible braces aligners are an...
Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges

At Om Sai Dental & Implant Centre, we offer high-quality crowns and bridges as dental restorations to restore the strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal of your teeth. Crowns: A crown acts as a cap that covers the exposed surface of a tooth, providing added...